Dear Third Grade Parents,
Today we begin our journey through third grade. Third grade is a year of transition from the development of skills to the development of independence. It is a time for students to begin to assume responsibility for their education and become life-long learners.
Homework will be sent home Monday-Thursday. Our classes’ homework policy is to try your best! If your child is unsure of how to solve or answer a problem, they are to try their best, and never leave anything blank.
I want to assure you that I have nothing but the best interests of the children in mind. I will expect your child to work hard each day, as you and your child should expect this from me as well. We will learn so many new things, but at the same time, we will have fun doing it. This year your child will blossom into a confident reader, writer and mathematician. Of course, each child will progress at an individual rate, but success is measured not by where they finish, but by how far they’ve come.
Your child will receive books the first few days. All workbooks, notebooks, and folders MUST be marked with name, grade, and school. All textbooks must be covered with paper or sock covers and workbooks covered with clear contact paper. Please have the books covered ASAP. Please make sure that all outer clothing and backpack is labeled with your child’s first and last name.
An assignment book will be purchased through the school. This book should be signed every night. Scholastic News, Story Works, and National Geographic are used in the classroom.
You and your child should have picked up the supplies from the supply list sent home at the end of the last school year. If not, on the back of this letter is another quick view of what your child needs to bring in. Please pick up the supplies ASAP. All supplies need to be in Monday, September 9th.
If at any time, you have questions, concerns, or comments please address them to me. I am always available to meet or speak with you. If it is not urgent, please jot a note or send me an email ([email protected]) and I will respond as soon as possible. In return, I will contact you by note, email or telephone if there is something that I’d like to discuss. I look forward to working with each of you and your child this year!
Mrs. Seitz
Just a few things that I would like to mention about the year ahead: